The Impossible Miracle Of You

I am an angel. I am a warrior. I am a goddess. I am a thief. I am the trees and the earth, the richness of soil. The universe in me. I feel the rain that I hear falling on leaves. I am infinite.

“So why then, little girl, if these are the teachings of your heart do you make yourself small?”
The God in me, of my heart and heaven asks such rich questions…
“Has this temporary space, in this temporary place caused you to forget?”

These monsters of today stand ready and the forest of lives yet to live stand in peril. Pack your sword, pack your shield and run!…NO…Not away little one, come back. Let’s run into the fire, thats more fun. Let’s slay the beast. Remember who you really are, Goddess Angel Warrior Thief. We don’t back down from the battle of humanity against tyrants. Rise up. . Stand with all the trees in the woods. Rise for all the saplings young to our universe. Rise up for the opportunity to live, to love, to be. Rise up for your mother who has attention only for the squirrels in the tree. We are so much bigger than the narrow Barrett of our being. Greet the charge with love, move the pieces on the board in love. Love itself is bigger than any definition mortals have placed on it. Funny small creatures of today have dared to dictate definitions beyond their comprehension.

So I wake this angel warrior of mine, this soul moving within me, life to life. Expand and sound the gong! We have greater power than the coin on which we impose all value on.

“I am coming for you, running with love toward you with my sometimes needy bleeding heart. I am coming armed with change, compassion, kindness, rescue and warmth. I will offer it to you even if you don’t want to touch the perceived sin of my being.” We are not this spec of time. It is the smallest part of us.

For life is all life. The right to life exceeds the Roe v. Wade of it all.

It is our living children’s right to thrive.

It is a woman’s right to safe delivery, an unborn soul’s right to return home… and a mothers to say goodbye on her own.

It is a black or brown man’s right to walk safely in the street,

It is our right to medical care. The right to tend the needs of our bodies probably worn by the society we created.

It is the right for every person he or she, them or they, to go unviolated.

It is a woman’s right to choose her motherhood.

It is the ability to feed our young, or ourselves.

It is the right to safely move our children and seek a better life without fear, to this nation, one we are only borrowing, and founded by those seeking the same.

It is the right to grow and amend beyond an originalist mentality. To admit we are not, nor ever have been all knowing. Without that where does grace even enter our lives?

It is my mothers right to see the squirrels and birds from her own home.

It is the right to love the one you love. The one God gifted you, without thought of gender.

It is the right for all to worship in equality knowing they too were created in the eyes of God.

The trees begin to wave and the generations I have yet to live smile. The small in me fades away. I AM the Angel Warrior Goddess Thief. I am the impossible miracle of me… and I vote.


Year Two

