The Call Of The Wild

I am addicted to the night sky, to the blanket of stars that envelop me as I stand outside and breathe in the peace. I can actually feel God wrapping me up and saying it’s alright, it’s all going to be alright. When I was a girl I never thought of diamonds or picket fences, I never thought of footlights or crimson carpets. I thought of the sound of water lapping on a shoreline, the sound of bacon sizzling outside on an open fire, waking up to mist rising off the lake. That was romance to me, even at six years old.

How easy it is to loose ourselves and be influenced by the society we live in. To be fooled into thinking anothers world more exciting than our own. We peer in as fans securing a second hand life, looking for ways to measure up, or give up and just watch. That takes me off track, far from the woman God created to the woman man did. I almost remember when measuring up to the expectation of others became important, and I definitely remember thinking it was exhausting. But I will never measure up to my neighbor, because he has a neighbor as well.

We are fast approaching a crossroads. Our economy will somehow have to stand without the extra stimulus many have received during the shut down. When the country “reopens” some have no job, or industry to return to. What happens then? The carrots on my finger are far less valuable than those in my refrigerator. Who then do we watch? Who do we envy? I guess it is time to stop watching and become. I should listen to the girl in me and take a walk in the wild, cook bacon on an open flame. I should take this time and study the greatest artist of all. What he does with a single flower is mesmerizing.

Mesmerizing /ˈmezməˌrīziNG/ adjective : capturing one's complete attention as if by magic

…………………………. I should be six again.

We are never more ourselves than when we embrace what is beyond our control. It’s thrilling really, I literally can not plan it. I have no idea and I am too old to force the solution. Now as the twinkle of the footlights or the city scape have faded away, as the clack of a heel and the sparkle of a gown are fast a distant memory, I hear him once more saying it’s all going to be ok. I am home….back to the core of who I was meant to be, back under the night sky.




My Funny Valentine