Simple Pleasure

Living a simple life is more comfortable than any shoe I have ever worn. Shoes are my emotional barometer, but peace and simplicity have become my new Jimmy Choo’s. My ability to take a deep breath and wield a kind smile feel better on me than anything these days. I am a less is more person. I always have been. Sometimes though, my nature hides behind anxiety, ambition and circumstance, which usually lead to shoes. I do not dismiss the fact I have gotten to do some amazing things; things my little girl self never dreamed of. But at my core I am better in my simplest form. Knowing oneself, especially as we age is wildly important. We carry ourselves with us in every moment, we are not really lost. The thoughts or decisions, action in a day are a part of us… Its really not the looking for self as much as the listening that counts.

In my passion for simplicity this morning, I thought I would make something truly basic and budget friendly. As I watched the sun dance on the creek, I prepped oatmeal, almonds toasted in cinnamon sugar, and fruit. The coffee was perking away as I stirred and chopped and thought of all the early morning breakfasts I have prepared for my children over the years. Check the fridge and create a little bar of options. It looks impressive and if you prep enough there is more for another day. I have used dates, raisins, strawberries blueberries, apples, syrup, honey, almond milk, honestly just whatever I had.

Later in the day I was having an inspiring conversation with a friend and her final words to me were, “Keep your head down and keep it SIMPLE”… It must be in the air..…

In case this all sounds idillic, I dumped the entire thing of oatmeal all over my stove and into a boiling pot of milk. Then I turned and burned my almonds, setting off the smoke detector. But whatever, it was fresh and warm and comforting. Thats it. Simple.


Usually it is 2 parts liquid to one part oats but follow directions on package.
Bring the liquid to a boil and add oats stirring for the recommended amount of time - this can vary.
Dig around for some honey syrup or jam. I happened to find an amazing raspberry maple jam hiding in my fridge.
Chop your fruits

Cinnamon Sugar Toasted Almonds

In a large teflon pan add 1 cup sugar, 1/4-1/2 cup cinnamon and enough slivered almonds to cover the pan. Here is the thing: You can not walk away…(like, for example to clean up another huge mess on the stove) The almonds start to toast quickly. As soon as the sugar starts to melt, keep it moving stirring everything together. Take the mixture off the stove before the sugar becomes to dark and pour onto a piece of foil to cool. Break it all up and add it to the oatmeal…or just snack on it because it is to good to stop.


Spinning Sugar


Feeding Soul