For The Love

I have used a large part of my brain space thinking about what it will take to feel accepted, loved. A large part, like as much as I have devoted to wondering how to get rid of my baby tummy, while admittedly doing very little about it..... What is enough? When will I be noticed or truly wanted? ... When I have that slightly higher pair of FABULOUS heels, that's when! ..... No? ... Then lets just have a burger … with fries ... never forget the fries.

How did I go from stilettos to french fries in a simple desire for love? Seriously, how?..and how do they even factor in? Lets have a properly made Manhattan and really think about it. Feel better? No. But I am slightly swollen and my heart is still lonely. However, I did forget about it for a minute as I relished in that perfect cherry.

After the unfortunate but delicious consumption of far too many Manhattans, I have come to the conclusion that finding love is in the giving. Open your arms wide and send the energy out through your finger tips and keep on going. Let it pull your body along into the serving. I have often found that serving satisfaction in food. Not french fries of the broken hearted but real meals. Meals that heal. Meals that bring new people together in love or heal families, broken, like mine.

I was under the misperception that we were not whole when I found myself divorced in a tiny apartment with three small children. We were somehow not a family. I did not know how to take these tiny kids and all that shatter and stop the bleeding. The first thing I bought to fill our empty home was a dining set. A simple table and four chairs... I had no idea that was a beginning. 

The Perfect Manhattan

2 oz. of your favorite Bourbon. I like Olde York Farms Smoked Maple Bourbon

1 oz Cornelius Cherry Flavored Brandy brewed from Hudson Valley Apples or 1 oz Vermouth
2-3 dash bitters

1,2,or 3 Luxardo Maraschino Cherries. These cherries are a must!

Add all ingredients to a mixing glass with some ice, stir and pour into a proper cocktail glass.


On Knights In Shining Armour And The Very Very Long Wait


An Ode To Starbucks