Why Delilah, Why?

There is a valley called Sorek that once divided the Israelites from the Philistines. This valley, although can be estimated, has no known location. The valley was home to a cortisan named  Delilah although whether she was Philistine or Hebrew is as much a mystery as Sorek itself. Her name is Hebrew and it means “languishing.” In  Hebrew languishing meant weak, feeble, to waste away, to exist in miserable and disheartening conditions.

There was also a Nazarite named Samson. I bet now the story sounds familiar. But before your mind wanders to men with abs to die for, remember it was not his muscle that gave him strength but his relationship with God. Samson is told by God not to go to Sorek. He is told expressly not to go the valley of no real location, your strength will  be turned to weakness there. He goes anyway. He is in love. Enter Delilah. Now Delilah has been approached by the Philistines to find the weakness in Samson. The woman named weakness was paid to find it in another, find a way to humble him. I believe the Bible actually uses the word afflict which in Hebrew means  oppress, to be made to bow down. The Philistine were looking to humiliate Samson.

Delilah asks 3 times how his strength can be taken from him and the third time he tells her the truth. Cut my hair and my strength will leave me. While he sleeps in Delilah’s lap the Philistine men cut his hair and when Samson wakes up he is bound and taken to prison. He is blinded and made to work the fields.

Samson’s hair is not magic. It was the promise of his birth that was betrayed and God left him.

If you have read any of the comments on last weeks post you have met my Delilah. The person looking for the key to my life humiliation from no known location, their very own Sorek. Do you know the estimated weight of the silver Delilah was paid? 700 pounds and if she was Hebrew the weight of betrayal was heavier. I have no explanation for wanting the ruination of others at any price. I have no explanation for hate, but it exists around the corners of all our lives. At least Delilah did it to his face.

  In the end, over time, Samson’s hair grew out and he brought down the pillars of temple Dagon on those that had gathered to taunt him. They did no see that God had quietly returned, our humanity in need of restoration. That is the thing, ruination only has a short day in the sun. Rebuilding is the springtime that becomes a lifetime. And the name for that is Tikkun Olam…(or “repair the world”)


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